Gardening in April

I don't go to the gym and I don't exercise- you see, I don't need to because I'm always here!

Gardening in April
Azelia bush in April by Y Osasu

I don't go to the gym and I don't exercise- you see, I don't need to because I'm always here! This was what my next door neighbour said to me when I walked across to have a friendly chat, having not seen them in a few days. By 'here', he means his garden! Neil (not his real name) is often in the garden- that's his happy place.

The April Garden

Today's post is about how to keep fit and healthy through gardening which is a great way to keep active especially if you don't feel like exercising vigorously. An added bonus is that it's not expensive- you don't have to pay a subscription like a gym membership, there's fresh air and nature to enjoy, your creativity and mental health is boosted all whilst staying active.

I spent about 2 to 3 hours outside doing the gardening under the spring sun and the warmth and breeze has brought a vitality that was very much needed. There were some pleasant surprises in the April garden today. I stepped outside and was greeted with the sweetest scent caressing my sense of smell and I wondered where this was coming from. I stepped forwards and followed this scent to be greeted by a full blossoming bush of virburnum.

Viburnum Bush by Y Osasu

Pot of Chives and marjoram

The added joy of accidental finds of precious herbs such as oregano (marjoram) and chives in my garden was very satisfying.

Marjoram- herb

I agree with Neil, there is enough bending, stretching, walking, lifting and digging to burn off calories and keep those muscles toned whilst maintaining your flexibility due to the range of motion and movements involved in simple gardening tasks. Gardening gives us the opportunity to nurture, and just be united again with nature.

The feel of the soil, the fresh air, the simple beauties to behold are soothing and help with reducing stress, anxiety, and is a boost for our mental health and wellness.

So, it's April, the sun is out, the rain has subsided today and I am out in the garden. It's been quite a rainy few months, so I scrapped off the moss and weed that have formed between the concrete patio slabs over the cold and wet winter months.

I cut back some dry stalks from withered flowers left over from the winter. The vegetable patch has been bare, save for a lonely rosemary and lavendar, which is thankfully making a come back. Some weed are beginning to grow so I've spent the afternoon preparing the vegetable bed by weeding, aerating and raking the soil .

After weeding, I fed the soil with some garden compost, rich in worms. This was mixed into the soil to prepare it ready for planting some vegetables. Other things to do in April is to start mowing the lawn, which by now has started growing again and dead head any flowering plants with withered flowers to encourage more flowering.

The bending, stretching, alone time and listening to some good jazz whilst digging up and raking soil have exercised muscles that have been sleepy for a while. I also feel better for it but needed a good warm refreshing bath afterward.

Azelia Bush

Don't worry if you do not have a garden. There are other ways to get close with, and benefit from nature.

You can make use of the space you have by planting in pots by your window sill or balcony. Some people choose to rent allotments.

Cuts of Virburnum in the conservatory

After today's gardening, I made some delicious lentil and swede hotpot to nourish the soul. What are your gardening tips for April? Comment below.

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